Document Design Using DITA

Moodle Document Design Using DITA

What is DITA?

Darwin Information Typing Architecture is an XML-based authoring and publishing tool.  This tool is used to format, structure, develop, manage, and publish documents.  This authoring tool reuses content and eliminates manual formatting. The hierarchical structure in the markup language provides the opportunity to add video, pictures, tables, etc. through code, saving time in the creation, management, and publishing of documents.

Project Overview

This project was comprised of creating a manual for Moodle (a content management system used by universities) using DITA.  Four teams were assigned to this project that separately and collaboratively worked together, in order to link all of the applicable content together in the creation of a Moodle manual.  A single manual was created, with many authors contributing to its creation, however, the structure, style, and look of the document gave the appearance of a single author.  The portion of the document that I and a team member on the project created together can be viewed at the link on this page.

Skills Gained

The skills gained from this project include mastery of DITA and the ability to incorporate this tool into an organization where it is not being used, saving time and resources. Additionally, entering an organization where it is being used will allow me to transition with little to no training. The skills of creating and following a style guide, as well as collaborating with team members in the document creation, editing, and publishing were also present.  This skillset is much needed in organizations that create and manage documentation across multiple lines of business.